Thursday, October 20, 2011

jewelry to bead box.

As mentioned in a previous post, I was having a little trouble revamping my old jewelry box. Not being able to find a place for it in my bedroom, I was forced to think of a new use for it. Too small to fit regular desk or sewing supplies, I started pulling out my craft materials to see what else I could come up with. And then it hit me - a bead box! I could color-coordinate my beads and paint each drawer accordingly. It would be perfect. Eventually.

My before jewelry box was WAY boring. My mom got the original dark wooden (?) jewelry box from my great grandma as a gift. I was in desperate need of some extra jewelry storage so she happily passed it down (thanks, mom!). Since then, I've painted the piece according to my bedroom colors - the last paint job was a result of a more muted color palette. 

Once I had the idea, I pulled out my paints and got to work mixing colors. You'd think I'd have something I could work with. 

But nothing worked quite right and I got a very loud and vibrant version of what I was actually going for. Sure I'm into color, but not much. Yikes. I was however, still digging the idea and was positive it would still work out.

So I headed over to Michaels and picked out some Craft Smart acrylic paints with a more muted color palette. At only 59 cents a pop, I couldn't complain. I kept the handles white to keep the piece looking modern and crisp. Aah, much better. 

But I still felt like something was missing. So I headed back to Michaels and picked up some Martha Stewart cherry blossom stickers. I liked the organic shape and colors so I added them to the mix.

I kind of like the way the detailing is 3-dimensional but keep going back and forth on whether to paint the blossoms on to keep it from feeling too "crafty".

If I decide on the sticker route, I plan to attach them better into the crevices of the drawer detailing and then seal with a clear acrylic spray. I'd also like to adjust the stickers a tad more - see how the branch doesn't wrap around the sides of the drawers? I think it looks a little unfinished.

What do you think? Paint or sticker?


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